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Online Courses Begin October 7th

Learn to Laugh: The Play Awhile Approach
This signature program teaches speech-language pathologists how to center play as the primary therapeutic modality by implementing our 5 core values of play, transforming outdated practices into respectful, affirming, joyful therapy sessions.
I’m looking for 10 SLPs who are ready to PLAY for a living! Join our beta group by September 25th for a 33% discount compared to our full program launch in January. Here's what you'll get:
3 months' access to Learn to Laugh: The Play Awhile Approach, our asynchronous online .
3 months' access to our private social media group.
Monthly LIVE chats with the cohort and a Play Awhile coach.
10 PDHs (professional development hours-formerly called CMHs) and a certificate of completion.​​​
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